Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Could be Any Day!

Okay, so I decided that I would write about last Friday's hospital episode today as you'll see two posts ago. Well.....1/2 hour after I finished that post I got ANOTHER call from the doctor's office to go in for a Non-Stress Test ASAP! Everything again is great, the doctor said it was the healthiest heart beat and fetal movement they had seen all day! But they are still watching the amniotic and now I have to go to a specialist ultrasound. I'll keep you posted, but the doctor's are still really happy with how the baby is doing they just want to keep an eye on things.

On another note......here's a pic of the Nursery!

Getting Bigger Everyday!

So I thought it was time for a belly update! Here are the last few belly pictures!

Here we are at 30 weeks.......

...and today at 35 Weeks!

The Countdown is on!

Only 5 weeks before our actual due date! We had a bit of a scare last Friday, an ultrasound to confirm the the baby had turned (which is REALLY good news!) also said that my amniotic fluid was low. I got a call from my Doctor on Friday morning telling me to get to the hospital for a fetal non-stress test!! In the end everything was fine, mom and baby are happy and healthy, but it just reminded us that Baby Massig could be here any day!! Oh yeah, and there is nothing wrong with my fluid, the ultrasound people are just CRAZY!!! :o)