Friday, May 25, 2007

And a Few More.....

A few more guesses for baby Massig:

Nana: Girl, 8lbs12oz on Tuesday (29)
Opa: Boy, 10lbs on Monday (28)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

All Bets Are On!

So we have started a friendly game of what sex, how big, and when our little bundle of Massig joy is coming!
So far we have:

JS: Boy, 9lbs4oz on Saturday (26)

JN:Girl, 8lbs7oz on Friday (25)

ON: Boy, 7lbs13oz on Saturday (26)

KH: Girl, 8lbs9oz on Monday (28)

DM: Boy, 9lbs0oz on Tuesday (29)

JM: Girl, 9lbs0oz on Sunday (27)

MN: Girl, 8lbs7oz on Thursday (24)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Any day now....

Well.... no baby yet, but officially my due date is not until Tuesday (May 22) so we've still got some waiting to do!! I have basically finished all of my to do list though, so I am feeling ready and would be more than happy to have this baby today! We completely finished getting the nursery all cleaned up and set up so I'll take a picture this weekend and I'll try to get some pictures posted for everyone!

Friday, May 4, 2007


So I had my last official day of work on Monday, and now I am just trying to relax and sleep. It sounds great in principal but I've been too busy the last few days getting things wrapped up and finished so we're somewhat ready for when Baby Massig wants to show their face to the world!! The doctor said I measuring at 40 weeks (technically I am only at 37) so we're either having a baby sooner than later or I will be birthing a GIANT. Realistically and unfortunately it is probably the latter...... :-0 !

We're getting super excited and can't wait to introduce our little angel to you all!!!