Sunday, March 18, 2007

If anyone didn't know what a 30 week old baby looks like in mom's womb, here you go! The baby wieghs approximately 3 lbs and is moving constantly. The little sunshine seems to really like sitting on my bladder, so I am basically on an hourly or sometimes every 15 minute pee routine!
I am feeling pretty good and really enjoying my pregnancy! Still tired, but my back ache is getting better, probably a combination of pre-natal massage and pre-natal yoga.
Here is my warning to all pregnant ladies out there, no bowling after 30 weeks!!! I went at 29 weeks, no problem! Last Wednesday, the day after I turned 30 weeks, I went 10 pin bowling with work and on the third frame of the first game I stepped into the lunge that you do to chuck your ball downt he lane and WHAMMO! I pulled my groin! So now I really look like a prego! I have to waddle everywhere! Oh well, I am taking it easy and hopefully by next weekend I'll only be waddling because I'm 7 months pregnant. :o)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Only 10 to go!

It seems like Christmas around here with all the new baby stuff!!! Who thought a little munchkin, weighing less than 10 lbs (as a Massig baby we may be looking at less than 15 lbs - Yikes!), would need so much stuff!

Tomorrow marks the 30 weeks mark!! Wow! Only 10 weeks to go! Actually, it will probably be more like 11 or 12, but you never know! Feeling pretty good, a sore back and taking lots of naps, but overall it's fun feeling the baby move all the time and see it react to me moving around, eating, and drinking. I've even felt a foot or hand every now and then and it feels like you can almost hold it!

The Growing Belly

This is the ever expanding belly at 22 weeks! No more nausea and plenty of happy hormones!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pregnant in mexico!

Just enough belly at 20 weeks to show it off in the new bikini!

Look at my hotty husband!